Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Yoga as a Healthcare Essential

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self” – Bhaagavad Gita
Yoga derived from the word Yuji meaning union is a well-known practice that connects the mind, body and soul using various poses, meditation and disciplined breathing.  The word found its first mention in the oldest Indian scripture – the Rig Veda. This practice has been prevalent for centuries and for the reason that it is extremely beneficial to one’s health.
This practice is beneficial to a human body in various ways like healing chronic pain in the lower back, arthritis as well as helping manage stress, improving sleep quality and providing overall improvements in health.
Forms of Yoga – One for all, all for one
The advent of yoga took place in India centuries ago and ever since has proven to be one of the most effortless ways to find one attaining mental and physical balance. Yoga is not just one form that is practiced but has various ways that people follow.
Hatha Yoga – This form of Yoga consists of physically demanding postures that are good for beginners and have a very classic approach to breathing and exercises. This helps a person take the first step into Yoga and its benefits.
Ashtanga Yoga – In this particular form, one can find multiple postures that help in providing a proper and effective workout to an individual’s body and mind. Ashtanga means eight limbs  and yoga is a process of union. It is a combination of eight steps including various body postures, breathing and meditation practice with the goal of controlling the mind.
There are many others that are based on the preferences from person to person. Moving ahead, let’s take a look at examples of a few simple yoga poses that comes with multiple benefits for everyone.
Beginner Yoga Poses
Vrikshasana | Insights SuccessVrikshasana or the Tree Pose – This pose is extremely popular and for the reason that it is also extremely simple. One needs to stand with one foot raised and crossed on the other leg as demonstrated below. This particular pose improves the balance nd strengthens one’s legs and back.

Trikonasana or the Triangle Pose –
Balasan or the Child’s Pose – 
Bhujangasan or the Cobra Pose –
Yoga at the Desk – A Refresher for the Workplace
Wrist and Finger Stretch – 
Seated Side Stretch – 
Dancer’s Pose – 
Seated Twist 

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