Monday, August 13, 2018

Israel and Palestine to have the biggest healthcare institute at Binyamin

The largest regional council in all of Israel, Binyamin, is currently home to the Binyamin Industrial Park. This Industrial Park is soon going to witness the biggest healthcare providing facility and it has turned out to be quite a boon for both Israelis and Palestinians.
The Binyamin Medical center at the industrial park is touted to be the most important primary urgent care and general medical center for the entire Binyamin region. In a quick glance, the situation seems really grim for the 50,000 residents living in more than 35 communities. They are completely dependent on Jerusalem for any kind of emergency care and the risk factor just gets heightened with the constant threat of terror attacks on the road to Jerusalem. The residents at Binyamin are constantly plagued by calamities related to the climate with snow storms during the winter and forest fire in the summer.
This new Medical Center is going to be the industrial zone’s largest source of employment and consumer traffic, other than the Rami Levi Supermarket, hi-tech park and restaurants. The health center is going to cater to both, Israelis and Palestinians in Judea and Samaria.
The medical center takes inspiration from Efrat Medical Center in Jerusalem and the authorities at the One Israel Fund will oversee the construction of the new medical facility. Local healthcare professionals would be initially called upon to increase the range of services to be offered. 

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