Thursday, August 9, 2018

How To Record and Play Back Video With Your Eyes

What is yet to be seen and witnessed in technology stands a low pace because the advances in the 21st century, are almost taking up every field with software that has tremendous and interesting features. New contact lenses that have the ability to record video, play it back, store it and can adjust zoom, focus, and aperture automatically has been developed by Sony. This contact lens only needs to be worn on one eye, and can easily be switched on and off by closing the eyelids.
The sensors found in them helps to detect the length of an eyelid closure time, which enables it to distinguish between blinks from voluntary movements
This device can also detect blinking while recording video, erase black frames that result from it and the videos can be played by switching to display mode using a different eyelid movement set in advance. It can also tilt the image, remove blur and leave a clear finished product.
According to CW33 report, the Tokyo-based firm recently filed a patent application. It was published earlier this month that revealed how the smart lenses can use movements of the eyelids to activate various functions of the system. The contact was designed by seven Japanese inventors, which include the camera, a storage unit, and a wireless processing unit.
You can remember that Samsung also launched a smart lens patent earlier this month, which only relies on a smartphone, but Sony came with the advancement of including storage.

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