Monday, April 8, 2024

The 3 Key Roles and Responsibilities that Nurses Play Under the NDIS


The National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS) is a program that supports people with significant and permanent disabilities. Generally, it empowers them to live independently, fully participate in their communities, and independently achieve their goals. That’s essential in ensuring their inclusivity in Australian communities.

Nurses play a vital role and hold different essential responsibilities among the stakeholders under the NDIS. They help the program achieve its goals, including providing funding, personal care, and assistance with daily activities. In this article, we’ll explain nurses’ three essential roles under the NDIS.

Care Planning and Coordination

Nurses under the NDIS collaborate with disabled individuals and their families to develop person-centered care plans. They also coordinate different roles among various healthcare services and therapies, and they mobilize community resources to meet every individual’s needs. These needs include daily living, therapeutic support and education, among others.

Primarily, the nurses’ role in planning and coordination ensures that disabled individuals are seamlessly integrated into the community. Care planning and coordination also ensure supports are aligned and complementary. That reduces the risk of fragmented care, which could otherwise vastly impact their well-being and self-esteem.

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