Wednesday, April 10, 2024

10 Common Accidents in Hospitals: Even Doctors Make Mistakes

In this article, we explore the ten most common accidents in hospitals healthcare professionals encounter in the UK…

As a place where patients go to have their illnesses cured and injuries treated, you might reasonably expect hospitals to be one of the safest places to be. However, for hardworking medical professionals, this is often not the case.

Between 2008 and 2011, nurses in the UK recorded an incredible 8,800 accidents in the workplace and, sadly, some of these led to claims for compensation under the Fatal Accidents Act after accidents led to the deaths of at least two healthcare workers.

Read on to find out the ten most common accidents that involve doctors, nurses and healthcare workers in UK hospitals…

Bumping Into Equipment

As we’re only too aware, our UK hospitals are often dangerously overcrowded with barely enough space for the number of patients and amount of equipment needed for healthcare professionals to do their jobs. Every year, a significant number of medical professionals suffer from minor injuries to their arms and legs due to bumping into equipment such as trolleys in corridors and lifts. Injuries caused by bumping into equipment can include minor scrapes and abrasions to more serious cuts which require stitches.

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