Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Misti Foust-Cofield: An Empathetic Thoughtful Leader Facilitating C.A.R.E


Success in every field depends on leadership. Great leaders combine inspiration, communication, insight, and direction to bring about effective management of organizations. When it comes to nursing, those characteristics are particularly crucial.

Team members who receive support find it easier to manage the pressures that arise from everyday challenges. Good leaders help in dealing with whatever disruptive factors that might cause emotional weariness and poor teamwork.

Misti Foust-Cofield, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer at Reid Health in Richmond, Ind., has a wealth of expertise in a variety of nursing positions, including critical care. She has spearheaded various staff initiatives to enhance culture and teamwork, with a particular emphasis on and involvement in improving the patient experience.

Foust-Cofield holds a master’s degree in healthcare administration from Franklin University and an accelerated BSN in nursing from Jacksonville University. She resides in Richmond but is originally from Preble County, Ohio, which sits on the other side of the state line, just a few miles away.

The following is an interview between Foust-Cofield and Insights Care, which discusses leadership, the healthcare sector, and her background in the field.

Misti, tell us about yourself and your professional journey so far.

I had the privilege of starting my own clinical journey as a SICU/Neuro ICU nurse at Halifax Medical Centre in Daytona Beach, Fla. We served as a Level 2 Trauma Centre for Daytona and many surrounding communities, caring for post-trauma patients and their families in the area.

About 14 years ago, I transitioned “home” to Reid. I came back to Reid as a bedside Open Heart Recovery Nurse and was blessed to work with many great physicians and colleagues. I moved through a variety of growth opportunities including Manager of CCU, Inpatient Director of Nursing, and eventually into the role of CNO.

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