Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What is the importance of yoga in our daily life?

Life is a sum of three factors. Mind, body, and the soul. Most folks know fairly well about the first two i.e., the mind and the body. It’s in the third i.e., the soul that we falter. The first two have entire sciences built around them from eons of research and experiences. The third, the soul still stands abandoned, desolate and little understood.

No one can really be blamed for this state of affairs given the difficulty to understand and deal with something that even while being present in us, rarely manifests itself in any worldly manner. That said, the soul and its troubles are something all of us face all the time in our lives and very few know how to deal with it.

That’s unless you are into Yoga!

Yes, yoga, the ancient India science of living, exercise and meditation finds mention in scriptures that are as old as 5000 years! That’s how old yoga is. It finds mention in practically every ancient scripture from Rig Veda to the Upanishads, and the Bhagawad Gita.

Religions running parallel to Hinduism being Jainism and Buddhism too have detailed accounts of Monks and Ascetics practicing yoga for varied reasons including so-called self-enlightenment. From Patanjali to Sushrut to Panini, each one of these Sages of ancient India have spoken eloquently about Yoga and its benefits.

Over the years, yoga has been refined and described to suite various needs and situations be it related to warfare, peacetime, mental alertness, physical strength and sustenance, stamina, health or even frugal minimalist living while giving up so-called outward display of carnal pleasures. Yoga if seen in the context of yogis and yoginis, be it Indian or Chinese means giving up desires and concentrating on achieving goals for a larger cause and larger good.

In fact, if seen from the preserve of disciplining the body and mind to follows rigours and make the body strong, supple and obedient to the mind without getting swayed by temporary feeling, yoga was equated to an ascetic life. It was meant only for those who had given up on life in the normal order and accepted a higher order of living that was devoid of pleasures and comforts. So strong were these percefeeling that till about a century back, barely anyone from the subcontinent other than the usual stock of ascetics, monks and minimalists were ever associated with it.

And then came the likes of the Beatles, their visits and myriad modern-day yogis who among other constitute leading lights in cinema, music and industry in the west. Their love for yoga has given the ancient Indian science a new lease of life, and one that does not seem to be in any hurry to bow down.

So then, why is yoga so good for the body?

Simple. It helps us treat ourselves in ways that makes a better version of ourselves with our own efforts and initiation!

  • Yoga is physically exerting

Yoga in its simplest form has physical exercises that stretch the body into impossible shapes (impossible initially but with regular practice, there’s nothing impossible about them). These are extremely helpful in bring the body back into its peak form.

Used as we are to a sedentary life, our bodies have shrivelled up to such an extent that regular acts like running, twisting, squatting, sitting crossed legged etc too have become difficult for most of us. Most of us have weak shoulders, back muscles and legs given that we hardly take the trouble to move and strengthen ourselves. Yoga if done in its entirety for a reasonable time makes us stretch, twist and turn into such shapes that our bodies become toned, supple and very, very strong. These besides, continuous exercises including the likes of the “surya-namaskar” increase our breathing, heartbeat and pulse rate and bring about positive developments in our health.

  • Yoga brings regularity to life

It’s impossible to do yoga regularly and derive benefits unless one is regular with one’s life and its practices including exercises. For this reason, yoga is said to form a habit which if continued for a long time, positively affects other activities. Yoga needs discipline and doing it long enough brings discipline in our lives.





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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Home Healthcare Comes of Age.

Over the decades the social and cultural fabric of Europe has undergone colossal change leading to a major transformation in the way senior family members cared traditionally. The break-up of extended families and rampant urbanization created a huge gap in the care for the elderly and the disabled or those with chronic diseases.

As older people become more care-dependent but do not need hospitalization, the only viable solution seems to be home care services. The effectiveness of home care services cannot be denied as the benefits are aplenty. Being at home, or in familiar surroundings and in their communities give comfort to the elderly and they remain healthier than they would have in a care center. Besides, they also have a feeling of security and independence staying in their own homes. Individualized care at home promotes quick healing than in regulated environments of healthcare or nursing establishments.

Life expectancy has increased resulting in a rise in the number of old people, lifestyle diseases, noncommunicable diseases, difficulty in mobility, people with mental disorders, or the ones who need companionship and assistance in daily chores.

There has been a whopping rise in the elderly population in the European Union and this is expected to rise exponentially. Nearly 20 percent of the European population is above 65 years of age. From around 90.5 million couple of years ago, it is expected to touch the 130 marks by 2050. With children flying away to different parts of the country, and the globe, home care services become more imperative. Add to it the low birth rates and rising cases of infertility.

Home care provides a huge range of services to assist and care for those who do not need treatment in the hospitals. It could be non-medical personal care, nursing care, home health care. It could include meal preparation, caring for the sick or even healthy senior citizens who live alone, medication reminders, running errands, care during illness, serious injury, progressive diseases like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, even for companionship or palliative care, assistance for daily activities like bathing, dressing, cooking, feeding, transportation, visits to banks or the doctor, supporting the client or patient by doing the laundry and housekeeping, or even shopping.

These services are not restricted to senior citizens but expand to all age groups including children or young adults who need care. Service providers are in huge demand for hospice or palliative care for adults and children with serious illness, from in-home to community-based services.

With technological advancements, it has become easier for health care service providers to coordinate and monitor their clients. Home health care providers are doing exceptionally well in their jobs and their demands are multiplying by the day.

We bring to the spotlight a few such exemplary home care services in Europe that have caught the attention of the world, in our latest edition of Insights Care – Europe’s 10 Most Trusted Home Care Providers 2021.

Have a great read

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

PR Agencies Effectively Marketing Healthcare.

 Building the corporate profile of a healthcare brand has become a vital component in the health care industry. Public relations (PR) agencies not only help the healthcare organization to get a broader reach and credibility among patients and other stakeholders but also aids in the branding process.

They empower health brands to make a bigger impact through various tools including social media. A healthcare establishment’s success and trustworthiness depend largely upon its reputation. With PR agencies in place, a health care organization can rest assured that its reputation will be built, taken care of, elevated, and maintained to fetch maximum clientele.

The past couple of decades have seen a revolution in the healthcare industry, beginning with multi-specialty hospitals and then with tech-driven services and care. With more and more people becoming health conscious and patients refusing to compromise on their treatment and aftercare, the hunt for the best in healthcare has seen a steep incline. This in turn gave rise to fierce competition in the health care segment with each striving to deliver the best and meet the demands of people.

Moreover, people, these days are more aware and well-read about health issues and would visit a health care center only after thorough research and inquiry. Gone are those days when the patient and his/her family took the medical practitioner’s word as the final one. Today, they prefer studying the issue, the repercussions or effects first and then also go for a second or even third opinion if they are not convinced of the first. This has put tremendous pressure on healthcare establishments.

Until a few decades ago, PR in health care was alien to people. Gradually, when PR agencies came into the picture it was primarily for creating awareness about the health care facility, their services and pathbreaking treatments (if any). These were done through press releases and press conferences, and later through websites and emails. Besides publicity, PR agencies also sent gratitude emails and/or gifts to patients and other stakeholders. As technology progressed, so did the means of public relations. Social media and digital marketing occupied the center stage of PR, and healthcare centers indulging in PR became a global name. Today, most of the healthcare centers across the globe leverage modern-day technologies which have increased the demand for PR agencies in health care. PR includes lot of market research and data analysis, studying the competitors and patient needs. Most PR agencies are into integrated health care marketing.

We stumbled upon few PR agencies in healthcare that have helped healthcare establishments reach their patient goals and commercial targets to the optimum, with painstaking efforts. As a tribute to their relentless service, we have featured them in our latest edition of Insights Care10 Most Trusted PR Agencies in Healthcare 2021.

We hope you enjoy reading this interesting issue.

Revenue Cycle Management Solution Providers Easing the Billing Process.

 The medical field has been an ever-evolving one. And when it comes to adopting the latest technologies, be it care or administrative, the medical field has been at the forefront.

One of the most complicated processes has been that of billing and maintaining the billing records of a patient. Constant developments in technologies have thrown an array of possibilities in easing the gargantuan and monotonous tasks of healthcare establishments. One such technology is revenue cycle management.

Even as the healthcare establishments were on a tech-driven spree, the Covid-19 pandemic only shoved them further and faster into it than one could imagine. Revenue cycle management was one of the rescuers of an already overworked medical fraternity. Those who had not yet adopted this technology or were in the nascent stages of adopting also swung into action.

Management of funds, collecting payments, billing, and maintaining a foolproof record has never been easy. To make these processes smooth and simple for healthcare establishments, RCM solution providers came across as messiah for them.

Managing patient’s billing records has become easier with RCM, medical billing software to track a patient’s data from the registration process to the final payment. RCM makes it easy for a healthcare organization to store and manage the patient’s data by synchronizing personal information and the insurance provider with treatment and health care information.

The major task of RCM is to communicate with the insurance companies, check the patient’s insurance coverage during admission and if necessary, do a follow-up with the insurance company in case a patient’s insurance amount is rejected or withheld. RCM significantly reduces the amount of time between providing care and treatment and receiving payment. It also has the responsibility of ensuring the safety of employees.

In fact, administrative duties like reminding patients of appointments, pending payments, and the like that were handled by the staff can be automated through RCM, saving manpower and time. In this regard, it is also a perfect tool for digital patient engagement.

But with rising demand for a service or technology, the market also gets overcrowded with suppliers and subsequently a cutthroat competition, making it difficult to choose the competent one. Some RCM solution providers rose above the rest and set a benchmark for others to emulate.

Our latest edition of Insights Care10 Most Trusted Revenue Cycle Management Solution Providers, throws light on how these solution providers paved the way for easy billing through technology to healthcare establishments by delivering quality services.

Have an interesting read!!