Wednesday, November 4, 2020

China’s restive province of Xinjiang once again sees a round of mass testing of an entire city.


With 138 asymptomatic cases found so far, close to 4.7m in Kashgar are being put thru the test.

China though largely successful in controlling the spread of infection, has seen continuous small outbreaks.

Xinjiang, home to China’s mostly-Muslim Uighur minority, are heavily persecuted by the central government in Beijing. Ever since the virus spread, schools in Kashgar have been closed with residents having to stay put till they get a negative report.

The present panic has been aroused due to the presence of an asymptomatic woman in the outskirts of Kashgar. She, as revealed by the Chinese state media is the first such case detected in mainland China in the last 10 days. Widespread testing since Saturday of close to 3 million have revealed 137 such cases in Kashgar with the rest likely to be completed in the next two days, say the city’s officials.

Normal life has resumed in most of mainland China, though small outbreaks continue to spring out which brings about immediate mass testing by the authorities.

Before Kashgar, it was Qingdao which went thru a similar exercise with its entire 9 million citizens being put to test. Before that in May 2020, the supposed Covid-19 epicentre of Wuhan was tested in totality with close to 11 million citizens having to go thru the test.


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