Wednesday, March 30, 2022

10 Most Reliable CROs to Watch in 2021


Health will remain a major concern until there is life on earth, and healthcare providers will be on their toes to deliver optimal results. In addition, with drastic changes in lifestyles, environmental conditions, and increasing population, there is a rise in the number of rare diseases and diverse disease conditions. All these call for clinical trials and drug development.

Pharmaceutical companies are always on their toes given the mammoth task of researching and developing drugs.

Here is where Contract Research Organizations (CROs) come into the picture bringing significant results to pharma and biotech companies by acting as a catalyst for drug development.

The CRO industry is snowballing, particularly with the recent global health concerns. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the need and growth of CROs, which mandated research and clinical trials. The CROs conduct research and clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies. They deliver results efficiently. In addition, an increase in rare diseases and pandemics gave rise to the demand for research and drug development and consequently to CROs. Pharmaceutical companies are ready to spend for R&D and are outsourcing the job to CROs.

Recent studies reveal that the market value of global CROs is expected to exceed $51billion by 2024.

The CROs are responsible for data research, project management, tests and trials, and drug development. They also provide support to medical device industries through their research.

Graduating from clinical trials and lab services to data analytics, drug development, and enhancement, CROs have come a long way. The penetration of technology has eased their work and has provided accuracy in their results. They use the latest technologies like AI, big data, cloud-based trial tracking, and others to improve their research and analysis.

The CRO market is becoming highly competitive. Many large CROs opt for acquisitions and mergers. On the other hand, Smaller CROs are becoming popular due to their personalized approach and cost-effectiveness. The market belongs to those who can swim with the tide and yet stand apart.

Choosing a CRO is vital for the success of clinical trials. However, it is difficult to find reliable CROs since pharmaceuticals seek partners who deliver comprehensive data and reliable outcomes.

We featured a few trustworthy CROs making a difference in the health space in our latest edition of Insights Care - 10 Most Reliable CROs to Watch in 2021.

Read their journey that we penned down for you and learn about the developments in the health sphere.

Have a great read!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Skincare Tips at Home


With the advent of technology, an application such as Snapchat and Instagram work on augmented reality, which helps you put a filter on your face and make your skin glow. Having naturally glowing skin is a distant dream for many. To have luminous skin is not only good for cosmetic purposes but also is a sign of good health. The skin is the largest organ of your body, and whatever a person eats, and drinks is reflected on the skin. The food that a person consumes affects the quality of the skin and the quantity of water, daily skin routines, and the skin remedies that one practice.

Multiple studies have found that cosmetics are hazardous and toxic for your skin. There are several problems associated with cosmetic products like skin rashes, multiple stretch marks, renal failure, cancer, yellowish-brown colouration, and many among them. However, home remedies are always there to your rescue. Home remedies being a natural procedure, takes time to show the desired results. It also avoids causing inflammation, rashes, and other problems, which, unlike product-based methods, cause. However, depending on the skin type, many remedies might not suit ones skin.

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Which Exercises are the best to lose weight? | Health and Fitness

 As reported by the World Health Organization, “health is a state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely an absence of a disorder or diseases.” Most of the people today live in a twilight zone. They may be free from any disorders yet do not qualify as healthy individuals.

Everyone knows that exercise is essential for your overall health. The release of adrenaline and endorphin helps boost energy levels as well as confidence, which helps attain good health. There is a direct relationship between good health and weight loss. A person with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) is prone to disorders like hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and many more. It is imperative to effectively manage these abnormalities by investing an hour of your day in exercising.

The two most important factors to consider for weight loss are exercising and dieting. It is a prerequisite to maintain the balance between your workout and diet to lose weight. If you follow one and skip the other, your body will behave differently, and you will have to wait longer for the expected result.

It is a well-known fact that exercising regularly helps effectively in weight loss. Exercising not only strengthens your bones but also improves your mood, reducing the risk of several chronic diseases. People run away from exercising because they don’t have time to hit the gym or sometimes cannot afford to join a gym or benefit themselves from personal trainers. But the whole idea of exercise is not limited to the gym, but there are varied ways in which an individual can exercise.

Let’s look at some of the best exercises to lose weight.

Deep Sleep Explained: Its Significance & How to Get More Deep Sleep


Deep sleep is when your body goes through a number of important processes that help your brain work properly. When you are sleeping deeply, you will find it difficult to wake up, and even if you do, you will feel disoriented and sluggish. There are many aspects of deep sleep that have astonishing outcomes.

Well, like Oxygen, Healthy Diet, a Decent amount of exercise is mandatory, sleep plays an important role in human health. It affects energy, digestion, memory, and other required things to function properly on a daily basis. Every human being requires a few hours of deep sleep.

So, to get the required knowledge read the information about deep sleep, its stages, importance, functions, benefits, and requirements that are mentioned below.

What is Deep Sleep?

The sleep stage associated with the slowest brain waves during sleep is known as deep sleep. This period of sleep is known as slow-wave sleep because the EEG activity is synchronized: it produces slow waves with

a relatively high amplitude and a frequency of less than 1 Hz. A downstate indicates the beginning of the wave, an inhibitory phase during which the neurons in the neocortex remain silenced.

The neocortical neurons have a chance to rest during this time. An upstate indicates the beginning of the next segment of the wave, which is an excitation period during which the neurons fire rapidly for a brief amount of time. This is a depolarizing phase since the previous phase was hyperpolarizing.

Slow-wave sleep differs from Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM sleep cycle) in that it has no or very little eye movement, moderate muscular tone, and no genital activity.

What are the stages of Deep Sleep?

Stage One: In the sleep cycle, the first stage is a phase of transition when the body and brain go from being awake to being asleep; it is called non-REM (non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is a short period of time, lasting only a few minutes, and the sleep is light. People may find it easier to wake up from this stage of sleep than from other types of sleep.

The body starts to slow down its rhythms during stage one. The heart and respiration rates drop down, and the eyes relax. The muscles relax as well. However, they may twitch on occasion.

The brain relaxes at the same time as the body. As brain activity and sensory input decrease, the brain waves begin to slow down.

Stage Two: The second stage of non-REM sleep is a lighter sleep stage that occurs as the body begins to transition to deeper sleep. Humans spend most of their sleep cycle in this stage, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeTrusted Source.

The heart rate and breathing rate in the body both slow down even more. Muscles relax even further, and eye motions come to a halt. The body’s temperature drops as well.

Although the brain waves are slowing down, there are still brief bursts of electrical signals in the brain at this point.

Stage Three: The third stage of non-REM sleep is deep sleep, often known as slow-wave sleep. Although the body cycles a few times throughout the night, the third stage occurs for longer periods in the early hours.

During this stage of the sleep cycle, the body’s heart rate and breathing rate are at their lowest. Muscles and eyes are likewise relaxed, and brain waves slow down even more.

It can be hard to wake an individual up from this stage of sleep, which is when sleep disorders like sleepwalking develop.

Stage Four/ REM sleep: The fourth and final stage of the sleep cycle is REM sleep. About 90 minutes after falling asleep, the body enters REM sleep for the first time.

The eyes dart back and forth under closed eyelids during this period of sleep. This stage of sleep is the most similar to waking up than the others.

The brain waves in REM sleep start to mimic the brain waves in a wakeful state—the heart rate and breathing rate both increase.

The majority of dreaming happens during the REM stage. The brain temporarily freezes the arms and legs to prevent the body from acting out of these dreams.

Importance of Deep Sleep

People with primary insomnia will have decreased memory consolidation and will not perform as efficiently as normal patients when performing memory tests following a time of sleep, which is often referred to as “sleep-dependent memory processing.”

Slow-wave sleep also helps with declarative memory, which covers both semantic and episodic memory. The link between the hippocampus and neocortical networks is thought to facilitate long-term memory storage, according to a central paradigm.

Importantly, a person must have adequate deep sleep to perform tasks perfectly. The quantity of deep sleep a person gets is proportional to the amount of overall sleep they get. Most individuals should sleep seven to nine hours per night, which will provide ample time for the body to enter deeper stages of sleep.

The amount of deep sleep reduces as we get older day by day. So, the importance of getting a good amount of quality sleep makes a healthy lifestyle and avoids major diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc.

How to get more deep sleep?

Healthy Diet: The food you consume before going to sleep impacts your sleep. According to one study, consuming less fiber and more fats and sugars can promote sleep disturbances. Consume more low-fat, high-protein, and high-fiber foods in place of these.

People who eat fiber enjoy more deep sleep time than others who do not. So, add fiber to sleep well and get a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise: Those who work out daily manages to acquire the healthy need of the body, which leads to many good things. Workout gives a good structure to the body, better digestion, focused vision, proper sleep, and energy to be more productive.

But keep in mind to avoid exercise just before bedtime; it will increase the heartbeat and blood flow that will postpone the rest time of the brain to get in sleep mode. Keep as much as low work before going to bed.

Tech free zone: Cellphones, tablets, laptops, and even the television screen should be away from the sleeping zone. Technology has driven many individuals to stick with their devices and sleep with them.

It is good to stay connected with the world, but it is so harmful to carry those thoughts in the sleeping time. Because even if you kept the devices aside just before sleep, it would make your mind run those thoughts and hard to get to sleep. Instead of that, read books or draw something to get quality sleep.

Meditation: According to experts, meditation and yoga have a few advantages, including enhancing sleep quality and reducing sleep anxiety. People who engaged in cyclic meditation twice a day had a higher percentage of slow-wave sleep and fewer night awakenings, according to a study.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine: Consumption of caffeine in the second half of the day will lead to light sleep. It is hard to stay away from caffeine for coffee lovers, but you need to understand the flip side of it.

People think that alcohol helps them go into a good sleep, but they do not realize that it reduces the quality and time of getting deep sleep.

Set up the sleep schedule: Punctuality is good to have for a better lifestyle. The human body shifts the functionality according to the habits of an individual. So, setting up the sleep schedule will be good to make the mind go in rest mode at the perfect time.

Healthy people have this habit which makes them get in sleep faster and better.

Listen to binaural music: When you listen to two tones with slightly different frequencies simultaneously, your brain creates a binaural beat. A perceived third tone, or binaural beat, is created by the difference in frequency between those tones.

When specific frequencies are employed, your brain waves can be induced to match the beat’s frequency. Listening to delta wave binaural beats may assist create delta waves in the brain and thus stage three sleep.


If you have trouble sleeping properly, you can follow the above tips to tackle that problem. It’s time to make good habits and live a better lifestyle. Good sleep is essential for overall health and wellness. Moreover, the glow after getting a night of quality sleep is attractive and presentable.

So, Sleep well!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

10 Most Promising Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 2021 Vol – 2

 The Compassionate Road to Recovery 


Substance or drug abuse is a more complicated affair than most individuals would comprehend it to be. There are several reasons behind why a person starts using drugs, be it illegal drugs, alcohol, or misuse of prescription medication. 


The spectrum of reasons for substance abuse is as broad as the sort of people who resort to it. Anyone could be at the risk of drug addiction, irrespective of the different factors that contribute to the existence of an individual.  


Although the popular belief is that drug addiction mainly falls under the category of mental illness, homelessness, or even poor family background, people might start using drugs because of various physical, emotional, social, and psychological reasons. Even within these categories, myriad factors can push someone over the edge of substance abuse disorder or addiction.  


What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.” – Alice Miller 


As quoted by Alice Miller, a Polish-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst, and philosopher in one of her acclaimed writings, ‘Breaking Down the Wall of Silence: The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth,’ the true meaning of substance addiction is a plight for help that must be heard. 


To genuinely help someone recover from their state of addiction, one should understand this fact on a deeper emotional level. Even if a person is willing to quit their habit of drug abuse, it is an extremely tough task to do on their own. 


The prolonged use of substances has severe effects on the structure and function of the human brain, and this makes it difficult for an individual to recuperate from addiction on their own.   


Other than an unwavering will to bounce back from addiction, one needs strong support from their family, peer group, and an environment that facilitates their recovery. The initial process of healing is often tricky to commence at home because of the intense withdrawal symptoms. It is crucial that the person in concern moves to a facility with professionals who understand how to manage these effectively with appropriate treatment and empathy.  


This is where rehabilitation centers come into the picture. They help the addicted person by creating a customized care plan, detoxing the body from addictive substances, building the foundation of long-term treatment efforts, and even assisting in aftercare. Rehabilitation centers play a pivotal part in the overall recovery of an individual through deep understanding and learning about the healing process of such chronic illnesses.  


To acknowledge the noble services that these organizations provide, we came up with this edition of Insights Care – 10 Most Promising Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 2021 Vol-2. 

This edition features some of the outstanding rehabilitation facilities with personalized treatment plans, recovery support, clinical services, and all the essential aid that an individual needs while regaining their health.  


Flip through the pages of this edition to explore the space of addiction recovery through the insightful interviews of experts in the rehabilitation arena themselves. 

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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Top 10 Fastest-Growing Healthcare Tech Companies, 2021

 Technology has overhauled the way we function in our professional and personal lives. The fast-evolving technology has thrown us massive opportunities to work quicker and with perfection, eliminating the need for human resources and delays. Technology has become the driver to success, and one cannot ignore the fact that it has become an indispensable part of our lives.

Come to think of it – if you had to do things the way you did a couple of decades ago! The time, the effort, and the trial-and-error attempt until you attained perfection would be unimaginable in today’s times. Many of our day-to-day functioning in personal and professional lives are dependent to a large extent on technology.

Business operations never had it this easy as integrating technology with their operations. It ensures smooth functioning to achieve business goals, quality product/service, and client satisfaction. Technology and business have become interwoven even before we could realize that it was happening.

Cloud computing is currently the rage among all the technological developments, and its demand is expected to swell further. This will, in turn, give rise to more innovations in the field. To meet the growing needs, many cloud computing solution providers rose to provide the best. They help companies with cutting-edge technologies. They needed a sound platform to deliver their solutions through the Internet to the companies they were associated with.

While there are quite a number of cloud computing solution providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out of the herd. Technology experts vouch for AWS’ services. Besides being reliable, AWS is also a secure platform and reasonable cloud computing platform. It provides servers, storage, networking, remote computing, email, mobile development, etc. As per reports, AWS controls more than one-third of the cloud market, which is a whopping lead to its competitors. It has revolutionized the cloud computing world just like it did with its retail space.

When saving information to a remote database, companies need to be sure of the security of their employees, products, and services, deals and contracts, and other such confidential data. With several solution providers competing in the market, entrepreneurs are often confused while selecting a secure, scalable, and reliable provider.

To simplify things for you, we have focused on the best AWS solution providers in our latest edition of Insights Success, India’s Most Reliable AWS Solution Providers.

You will find plenty on your platter as you flip through the page of this interesting issue.

Have an enlightening read!