Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Scientific research on how Social Media affects your mental health.

There’s no doubt that social media is a huge factor that can dictate the way in which we live our day-to-day life.

While a few years ago, before the smartphone era, we couldn’t even imagine our lives being driven by a handful of applications, nowadays some of our biggest fears lie within the number of likes and shares our photos receive.

Positive Aspects of Social Media

Most studies show that social media can have its benefits and advantages, which we’re all familiar with. Surely, most people that use social media are acquainted with the ecstatic feeling you get when you achieve a certain number of likes or shares on a photo, when you end up having somewhat of a viral video, or just even when you find yourself making new friends.

Moreover, social media is a great tool for quickly learning new things. You have access to an immense variety of information – you just have to be careful with what you choose to believe.

King University created an interesting paper about why we post on social media, including reasons such as self-actualization, feeling safe, and fulfilling our psychological needs.

Social media apps also represent a workplace for a lot of youngsters. Influencers or people who work in marketing/public relations or just people with an inclination towards digital marketing can actually earn a more than decent salary from these apps.

However, have you ever thought about the negative sides of it? How does using all these apps affect you in an unfavorable way?

Negative Aspects of social media

Creating habits around using social media can also be harmful to one’s mental health. Spending too much time on social media can have a pretty big impact in the long run.

A huge benefit social media has, is that it allows us to get in touch with old friends and have constant updates on how they’re doing. We can also find people that inspire us, which we decide to follow, and why not, copy some of their habits.

That being said, there is a thin line between getting our inspiration from various celebrities/influencers and starting to actually compare ourselves with them. Numerous studies and research show that this is where toxicity can occur, and this is where social media can unravel its darker side.

Body Image Issues

We often find ourselves checking posts and photos and think “I wish I looked like that”, or “I wish I could also go there/do that”. Along with these thoughts comes the tendency to beat ourselves up and give ourselves a hard time, with toxic thoughts and behaviors.

How often have you watched fitness influencers telling you what you should and should not eat? How many times have you thought “They are always eating right, how come I’m not able to do it?” Or just the general “What’s wrong with me?” question, after jumping to the conclusion that someone is doing better than you, just after seeing one of their posts.

As you can imagine, these thoughts can and will impact your daily life. These are the kinds of thoughts that slowly dissolve your self-confidence and start raising all sorts of irrelevant questions and doubts about your own self.

A study made by Claremont McKenna College states that body dissatisfaction and disordered thoughts generated by social media often lead to serious eating disorders. Young women are desperate to raise the body image standards set by influencers, which is impossible to achieve, so they start developing eating disorders.

Toxic Positivity

Another common issue that comes with the usage of social media is toxic positivity. We’ve arrived in a place where it feels almost forbidden to have bad days.

Everywhere you turn your head around, you’ll see an inspirational quote, maybe also attached to a photo that’s supposed to motivate you.

As humans we are, we are more than allowed to also have bad days. Just like in the world of fitness it is advised and perfectly normal to have a “cheat meal” from time to time, you are allowed to also have bad days in your everyday life.

While it is absolutely normal to not be in the mood to eat healthily, work out and be productive every day, some of the most famous influencers choose to promote the opposite of this – they seem like they have it all together, at any given time, which is practically impossible.

Social Media’s Impact on Teenagers

A study created by The International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering brings up another interesting topic: the impact social media has on teens and growing adults. Most teens nowadays suffer from body image issues.

They spent a lot of their time looking up to all kinds of people that tend to promote unrealistic body standards. Young people grow up thinking that they should look a certain way, even if, in most cases, models and influencers alter their photos to enhance certain aspects.

Losing Track of Time

Besides that, social media is also a big distraction. Parents can have a really hard time getting their kids out of their rooms, where they get stuck to their screens.

However, it’s not just about parents and children. For example, as a student, I can pay someone to do my assignment, just so I can spend that time browsing through social media and making sure I’m not missing out on anything that’s going on online.




Continue Reading: https://insightscare.com/scientific-research-on-how-social-medial-affects-your-mental-health/.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Rewriting Healthcare Solutions

People had just begun to become aware of the importance of wellness and incorporate lifestyle changes when the COVID-19 pandemic brought the entire world to a standstill, reiterating that nothing is more important than one’s health.

But the global pandemic also brought along with it a prolonged lockdown, and people resorted to home workouts, yoga, and meditation. All this is fine if one wants to maintain their health. But for ailments, therapies, and health-related queries and treatment, people needed expert guidance.

Amid the challenges, the pandemic also threw profuse options and opportunities to health and wellness industries to change, diversify, reinvent and revolutionize their services. The health industry was quick to adapt to the need of the hour and provide the necessary services promptly and with ease.

The health and wellness industry leveraged technology like no other sector did during the pandemic. Though healthcare professionals were gradually transitioning to digital healthcare services where physical intervention was unnecessary, the pandemic only quickened the pace of their usage.

The lockdowns forced remote working and staying indoors. Here is where wellness industries with digitalization became the messiah for employees. Remote care replaced physical consultations. Companies began relying on such wellness service providers for the health of their employees. Using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, wellness service providers began providing online therapies and solutions to patients or users.

The wellness companies provide general healthcare and wellness services for physical and mental wellbeing, nutrition, fitness, and more. This solution created by the pandemic is here to stay for good. Pandemic or no pandemic, like every other sector, the health space will also stick to hybrid services. Easy navigation to the services through Apps or websites has made it relatively easy for people to access and is convenient for the provider and the seeker.

Many wellness service providers emerged as trendsetters, rewriting the way and means to provide care. We shortlisted a few such wellness services providers in our latest edition of Insights Care, 10 Best Wellness Service Providers in 2021. These service providers have made the best out of the pandemic challenge and redrafted healthcare solutions.

Read to learn about the transitional journey that people embraced.

Have a great read!